About Us
The Russell County Public Library system has branches in Lebanon and Honaker. The Public Library provides free services to Russell County residents and persons working in the county.
The library system holds over 50,000 materials including books, compact discs, DVD and Blu-ray videos, and books on CD. In total, over 40,000 items were checked out of the system during the fiscal year 2014-2015. In addition to these items, thousands of people entered the library to utilize print and electronic reference resources, access the Internet through the Library’s fiber-optic connection, enjoy state-of-the-art Wi-fi service, participate in computer and Internet training, view a Library exhibit, or attend one of the Library’s many events.
Our friendly and professional staff is eager to serve you. Welcome to the Public Library!
Our Mission
Russell County Public Library cultivates a community of lifelong learners through reading, digital connectivity, access to information resources, and programming.
Pamela Stone
Library Director
Jewel Blackwell
Public Services Supervisor
Bryan Scheerer
Honaker Branch Manager and IT Coordinator
Doris Pruitt
Lebanon Library Assistant-Cataloging
Anita Dye
Lebanon Circulation Assistant
Sammie Helton
Custodian / Technical Services Assistant
Sandy Herbert
Honaker Circulation Assistant
Jamie Rexrode
Honaker Circulation Assistant
Rayetta Bartley
Lebanon Circulation Assistant
Brandy Miller
Lebanon Circulation Assistant
Ellen Gilmer
Lebanon Circulation Assistant
Trenna Mullins
Honaker Circulation Assistant
Library Board Members
Karen Davis – Chair
Susan Breeding – Vice-chair
Sharon Sargent – Secretary
Judy Ashbrook
Bob Breimann
Sherry Lyttle
Ann Monk
Tina Harris
Sharon VanDyke
Condolences for Sherry Lyttle